You are a child of the stars remember that and let it shine brightly!
Remember that No matter who you feel are and what happened in your past you are a child of the stars
Life will teach you to honor and respect balance between the starlight in you and earthly connection
There must be discords in order to achieve harmony teaching you to transcend
No matter who you are and what you think you know or do not know, life will teach you to honor and respect balance.
There must be discords in order to achieve harmony.
No matter how much the self doubt take a deep breath and find the courage to step over and keep yourself n the light
Stay in the light
There must be darkness that propels us into light.
Light shows you the way
It is the frigid cold night teaches to appreciate the sunrise
There must be darkness that propels us into light.
Stay in the light and appreciate the warmth. Dear child of the stars
Channeled meditation with light language - Higher self-connection