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Online Priestess Training- Level 1

Online Priestess Training- Level 1


This course will be a 8 week format training workshop already prerecorded.

Bonus ~ Mentorship session with Grethel of 45 minutes. During this sessions we will discuss the next topics:


First Session 01/28: Initiation Ceremony Meeting the Goddess and Q&A.


We will begin this course by establishing what these weeks will be about; this session will provide you with a space where you can share your questions and doubts, which will be answered.


Session 01/28: The Divine Feminine Archetype “The mother.”


We will discuss this archetype, touching on its Ability to nourish, take care of life, sensitivity, harmony, and balance surveillance. We will also discuss its chakra, which is the root (base of the spine), and how it grounds the spirit to the material world; another subject to touch on is the negative of this archetype, with is the victim and how this affects us by keeping us in this helpless state.


Second Session 02/04: The Divine Feminine Archetype “ The Emperor or Empress.”


During this session, we will learn more about the Emperor or Empress and its worldly power, earthly pleasure, abundant delights, strong, emotional sense of life, pleasure, and fun. Channeling ISIS and getting to know more about the counterpart Martyr, full of suffering, unable to make changes, stays enmeshed, and relinquishes happiness. This archetype is related to the chakra Sacral (abdomen, genitals, womb), which we will discuss in the session.


Third Session 02/11: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Warrior.”


Warrior is an archetype related to the chakra “solar plexus,” which reflects self-esteem and personal power, Warrior is a hero or heroine, who takes control, harnesses will power, and is empowered; during our session, we will get to know more about the abilities of Warrior and how we can adopt these qualities to ourselves. As with the other archetypes, there is a negative part that we need to discuss; in this case, the servant undervalues himself, does not honor basic worth, is neglected, and receives little acknowledgment.


Forth Session 02/18: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Lover”:


During this session, we will discuss forming loving bonds with others and healing by getting to know more about this archetype, free of spirit, generous, happy, love herself, and in touch with feelings; learning is how we place ourselves far from the negative archetype “Actor” which is known for hiding dark feelings, hidden agendas of power and dominance and incapable of intimacy Fourth. We will also talk about the chakra “Heart” related to love, joy, unity, kinship, and peace.


Fifth Session 02/25: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Communicator.”


A vital part of life to us as human beings is to express ourselves, our feelings, what we think, and also be heard; this is what the communicator is all about, sincere communication. During this session, we will learn more about this archetype located in the fifth chakra, the throat, learning how to express our feeling clearly and honestly with purpose, healing the silent child that suppresses and holds on to hurt, pain or anger.


Sixth Session 03/04: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Intuitive.”


Located in the sixth chakra, known as thThis course will be a Eighth week format training workshop of approximately 1:30 h of total class time + one Private Zoom

Bonus ~ Mentorship session with Grethel of 90 minutes. During this sessions we will discuss the next topics:


First Session 01/28: Initiation Ceremony Meeting the Goddess and Q&A.


We will begin this course by establishing what these weeks will be about; this session will provide you with a space where you can share your questions and doubts, which will be answered.


Session 01/28: The Divine Feminine Archetype “The mother.”


We will discuss this archetype, touching on its Ability to nourish, take care of life, sensitivity, harmony, and balance surveillance. We will also discuss its chakra, which is the root (base of the spine), and how it grounds the spirit to the material world; another subject to touch on is the negative of this archetype, with is the victim and how this affects us by keeping us in this helpless state.


Second Session 02/04: The Divine Feminine Archetype “ The Emperor or Empress.”


During this session, we will learn more about the Emperor or Empress and its worldly power, earthly pleasure, abundant delights, strong, emotional sense of life, pleasure, and fun. Channeling ISIS and getting to know more about the counterpart Martyr, full of suffering, unable to make changes, stays enmeshed, and relinquishes happiness. This archetype is related to the chakra Sacral (abdomen, genitals, womb), which we will discuss in the session.


Third Session 02/11: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Warrior.”


Warrior is an archetype related to the chakra “solar plexus,” which reflects self-esteem and personal power, Warrior is a hero or heroine, who takes control, harnesses will power, and is empowered; during our session, we will get to know more about the abilities of Warrior and how we can adopt these qualities to ourselves. As with the other archetypes, there is a negative part that we need to discuss; in this case, the servant undervalues himself, does not honor basic worth, is neglected, and receives little acknowledgment.


Forth Session 02/18: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Lover”:


During this session, we will discuss forming loving bonds with others and healing by getting to know more about this archetype, free of spirit, generous, happy, love herself, and in touch with feelings; learning is how we place ourselves far from the negative archetype “Actor” which is known for hiding dark feelings, hidden agendas of power and dominance and incapable of intimacy Fourth. We will also talk about the chakra “Heart” related to love, joy, unity, kinship, and peace.


Fifth Session 02/25: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Communicator.”


A vital part of life to us as human beings is to express ourselves, our feelings, what we think, and also be heard; this is what the communicator is all about, sincere communication. During this session, we will learn more about this archetype located in the fifth chakra, the throat, learning how to express our feeling clearly and honestly with purpose, healing the silent child that suppresses and holds on to hurt, pain or anger.


Sixth Session 03/04: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Intuitive.”


Located in the sixth chakra, known as the third eye, the archetype intuitive is focused on inner sight, uses intuition to guide, interprets symbols, and uses imagination and intuitive skills to guide others; by knowing more about intuition, we will learn to connect with the spiritual realm and to stay away from the negative version which is opinionated, doubt, confusion attempts to master chaos, suppresses feelings, rationalizes, irrational.


Seventh Session 03/11: The Divine Feminine Archetype “Guru.”


Contrary to its counterpart, “ Egoist,” Guru is an archetype that acknowledges Divine Source, grace comes from within; join me in this process of getting to know more about this archetype by learning of acceptance of self and inner light and how to adopt these qualities as a part of ourselves.


Eighth Session 03/18: Channeling ceremony of Graduation and Q&A


During this last session, we will have a channeling ceremony of graduation, and it will also be a place for us to discuss any doubts you may have left to close this course full of knowledge and peace.


This course will also include Bonus videos for support and guided meditations, there will be an online Group forum to share references, ideas and bond as a Priestess Sisterhood.



Price Options
One-time purchase
Priestess Training
Level 1
$55.55every month for 3 months
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