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Celestial Chronicles: Unveiling Myrra's Mystical Journey | Spiritual Art | Light Language Avalon

Ever heard whispers of Avalon from movies and fantasy tales? Well, this article draws its inspiration from the very essence of Avalon. The featured drawing is an intuitive reading, a glimpse into the depths of those who request it. A facet of the soul materializes, carrying a message encrypted within the image.

Meet Myrra, adorned in a radiant blend of golden and bluish hues, with a crown that sparkles like starlight. Her presence exudes royalty and elegance, reminiscent of a priestess or a goddess. At first, I wondered about her identity—was she one of them? The answer? She's a part of the mystical realm's royalty, a place she later graciously painted with her words.

Every color, expression, and face in the image speaks a language of its own—an intricate message woven with symbology. So, when you gaze upon her visage, what does she whisper to you? Share your thoughts in the comments below; I can't wait to hear!

This drawing to me represents a soul fractal from Avalon. The name "Myrra" popped into my mind, and it brought to mind the alchemist wizards from the time of King Arthur. In your case, however, you exist in an alternative reality that runs parallel to ours. This reality existed in an era where mystical and magical beings were intricately woven into what we consider reality. According to your akashic records, this time appears to be situated in linear history prior to the last ice age. As such, historical records might be absent, with only legends and tales passed down through generations. In this alternate reality, the magical world eventually crumbled as the wellspring of magic was extinguished. People began to be born without inherent magic, causing a sense of desolation within the magician community. Desperation drove some to explore the depths of darkness as a last resort, inadvertently triggering the energetic collapse of that epoch. This ultimately culminated in an apocalypse, akin to a nuclear catastrophe that nearly eradicated all life. The ensuing ice age acted as a reset for Gaia. In the aftermath, bereft of magic, the surviving generations relocated to the Earth's core. Once the ice thawed, they migrated to the northern regions to embark on a fresh chapter in another era. Only vague fragments of magic remained in their memories, echoing through legends. Your descendants, dispersed across the globe much like you, carry that inherent power.

I am attaching a link of guided meditations where you can understand more how to activate light codes

I hope you find this light code transmission valuable and from my heart is it my intention that you receive unconditional love through the universe and May this image seed light to anchor, spread and grow between all of us, for the highest good of all, with Gratitude Grethel.

Her Messasge

"My dear friend, I hear the longing in your heart and I am here as a guiding light to help you find your way. Embracing the art of speaking light language can be a creative and fun way to embody and express more of your True be. At the core of the language of light is a deep connection to the cosmos, an intricate dance of energies that transcends spoken words. It is a language of the soul, a universal expression of emotions, intentions and spiritual essence. By delving into the realm of the language of light, you open the door to new dimensions of self-discovery and healing. It allows you to unlock the depths of your emotions and release what no longer serves you, allowing the blossoming of your authentic self. As you speak the language of light, you activate dormant parts of your being, tapping into ancient wisdom and unlocking the creative energies that reside within. It becomes a harmonious symphony that resonates with the universe, allowing you to align with the cosmic rhythm and embrace your interconnectedness with all living things. Know that learning a light language is a journey, a dance of self-expression that grows and evolves with every step you take. There are no wrong notes in this symphony, as each sound carries a unique vibration, reflecting the beauty of your soul's journey. Let your heart and intuition guide you as you explore this path. Embrace the joy of discovery and don't be afraid to venture into the unknown. Because in the pursuit of self-expression, you break free from the shackles of doubt and unlock the limitless potential that lies within. By embarking on this creative adventure, you will find a deeper understanding of yourself and a connection to the universal web of consciousness. Embrace the flow of energy and let your heart be the conductor in this beautiful symphony of light. I am by your side, dear friend, as you walk this path. Trust in your journey and remember that your unique expression of light language is a gift to the world. With love and support, Higher Self.

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