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The 7/7/2023 portal All you need to know...

This is because it is associated with the numbers 7, which is one of the most powerful numbers in numerology. The number 7 represents change and growth; wisdom and enlightenment; luck and harmony in relationships.

The portal will open on July 7th 2023 at 9:00 PM EST (6:00 PM PST). This means that if you're looking for love or friendship or partnership, now's your chance!

The number 7 is symbolic of growth and change and represents power, spirituality and manifestation.

The number 7 is symbolic of growth and change, and represents power, spirituality and manifestation. It is a powerful number that resonates with the seventh chakra (the crown). The number seven also has many other meanings: it is associated with the seven days of the week; it's associated with the seven colors of the rainbow; it has been said to be connected to Saturn which is considered by some astrologers as being one of seven sacred planets in our solar system.

It symbolizes wisdom, enlightenment and cosmic energy.

The 7/7/2023 portal symbolizes wisdom, enlightenment and cosmic energy. These are all things that can help you to change your life for the better. The 7/7/2023 is a gateway because it represents a 7 day from a 7 month in a year seven and in numerology that is something very important for you to know!

The exact date of this galactic alignment where we are collective can grow our spiritually before we experience any major changes on Earth during this time period where humanity will undergo massive shifts towards spiritual evolution as well as physical changes due to solar flares coming from our sun which causes shifts in weather patterns around our planet causing people to move.

It's also associated with the pathway to manifest o bring harmony in relationships.

The number seven is also associated with luck, harmony and balance. For example, it's said that the number 7 has been associated with the "Seven

I will add a light language guided meditation that hopefully will bring light into your day.

I invite you to co-create with the Universe and allow those blessings to come to your life, Be in allowing mode.

LIGHT LANGUAGE - Downloading Plasmic light - Soul Activation

You can find this meditation on my YouTube channel @encodedfrequency

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